If you hate having fun, don’t go see Much Ado About Nothing by Make Art Theatre at the Hamilton Fringe Festival. This show is stuffed with good times, including villainous capes, ‘50s style greasers, and a really funny bit with some popcorn (spoiler: it ends up all over the floor). A condensed and updated version of Sh…
Advertising versus “humane marketing;” head versus heart; the big city versus the smaller city. Commercials for Hamilton, what are you selling? On the surface Commercials – written and directed by Sky Gilbert – appears to be about two advertising employees (well, one employee and one intern) going head to head about th…
On Thursday night a man with beer on his breath tells me about his troubles. Broken hearts, broken bones, burned bridges, and a burning building – in a dimly lit room I hear it all. Gerard Harris is the man in question; I am not his friend, his confidante, or his therapist and neither are any of the other 30 people in…