Hello theatre creators, educators, scholars and everything in between! I hope you’re having a productive-yet-restful summer. Ever wonder what it’s like...
Cast members (from left) Sanger, Walker, Jackson, Turner, and Pashkovsky. Photo by Melinda Mohammed.
Melinda Mohammed writes: Ex-boyfriends, doctors, sex, and clowns — oh my! That’s right, clowns! Sexual Healing, a production playing this weekend at Brock University, brings laughter, laughter and, well, more laughter. This extremely energetic, unpredictable show will keep you on the edge of your seat the entire time. This is an Independent show in Brock’s Department of Dramatic Arts — created and produced by students — and to its creators’ knowledge it is the department’s first Independent to be written and rehearsed specifically for clowning.
Sexual Healing was conceived by third-year Dramatic Arts student Laura Sotelo and co-directed by Sotelo and classmate Mark Harrigan, in collaboration with the performers. I asked Sotelo why she undertook this project: “I’m doing a show because I wanted to challenge myself to try something new since I’ve never written or directed before,” she says. “I also wanted to experiment with the art of clown itself, finding new ways to reveal the play of clown while still maintaining a conceptual structure.” In their second-year performance course, Dramatic Arts students learn about clowning; this play uses several of those techniques and takes them one step further, by eliminating dialogue and having pure physicality be at the centre of the production.
Follow clowns Mel (Hannah Pashkovsky) and Joe (Spencer Walker) as they put on their very first show about Sophie (Raylene Turner) who attempts to seduce a Doctor (Josh Sanger) on his first day on the job, after recently breaking up with her now-broke boyfriend (Alex Jackson). Mel and Joe continuously help Sophie with her scheming in getting the Doctor to fall in love with her; however, her journey to win the Doctor’s heart is not an easy one. This highly comical and engaging show will have you laughing all night long. The cast has great energy and fantastic chemistry, and engage in some unpredictable interactions with the audience.
The production is being performed in the Studio Theatre (ST 107, in the basement of Schmon Tower) and tickets are available at the door on a pay-what-you-can basis, with proceeds going to the Student Assistance Fund. Get ready for a sensual experience!
Show times:
Friday January 16th, 7:30 PM (Doors open at 7:00 PM)
Saturday January 17th, 1:30 PM and 7:30 PM (Doors open at 1:00 PM and 7:00 PM)
Hello theatre creators, educators, scholars and everything in between! I hope you’re having a productive-yet-restful summer. Ever wonder what it’s like...
For nearly two years, theatre lovers have felt entrapped in their own little purgatories. Artists have been unable to perform on stages, and audiences been...
Frances Johnson graduated from the Department of Dramatic Arts in 2020 and was about to begin an internship at the Shaw Festival when the Covid-19 pandemic...
DARTcritics.com is partially funded by the Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts, in support of student learning; experiential education; student professionalization; public engagement with the teaching, learning and production activities of the Department of Dramatic Arts; new ways of thinking; and the nurturing of links with our communities.